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Strength & Mental Clarity Intentional Burning Herb

Strength & Mental Clarity Intentional Burning Herb

Regular price $20.00
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Warrior Goddess of Beauty and Wisdom

  •  A wise and knowledgeable warrior, Freyja will encourage you to get to work and stay focused. No procrastinating. She does enjoy travel and beautiful things; after it's earned.
  • Excellent for teachers, managers, business owners, and parents, as she helps you lead groups of people or projects with Focus, Clarity & Drive. 

To connect to Freyja and to take control over your own Realm, plant your feet and surround yourself in the great purple light. Call in Freyja and her Valkyries to assist in promoting action and clarity. Get to work !

Dragons Blood Resin/Sage: helps to focus and concentrate on the task at hand, aids root chakra

Mint: purification, helps with headaches, success and digestion

Wild Mountain sage: wisdom, cleansing, health

Lavender Buds: For relaxation, healing energy for mind, body and soul


Each sachet bag comes with 175grams of herbs & a package of charcoal disks. Each disc burns for 30 to 40 minutes. Charcoal refills available.

*Instructions for smudging and charcoal disk use included*

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