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Love & Heart Healing Intentional Burning Herb

Love & Heart Healing Intentional Burning Herb

Regular price $20.00
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 Named after Isolt, Celtic Goddess of Love and relationships

  • Helps us heal our hearts from any form of emotional pain. (Grief, loss, break ups, separations, or divorce)
  • Reignites romantic love, self-love and passion
  • Creates safe space for emotional honesty

To connect with Isolt, try using rose quartz, or moon stone in your meditation. Concentrate on opening your Heart Chakra using white or pink light, surround yourself in it and take 3 deep breaths. Let it all go...

Palo Santo chips: replace stagnant negative energy with love light energy

Rose Powder: love, healing, peace & harmony

Yerba Sante: speaking your truth & protecting your heart

Rainbow White Sage: balances the chakras, purification, protection & brings about self love


Each sachet bag comes with 175grams of herbs & a package of charcoal disks. Each disc burns for 30 to 40 minutes. Charcoal refills available.

*Instructions for smudging and charcoal disk use included*

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